Monday, March 31, 2014

Random Stupidity: SNSD Hate

Things to post when I'm bored with life usually off that dumb tumblr, not too long because I value your sanity. Enjoy the feeling of your brain cells sizzling away!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Best Fanfic Out There

No, really.

Bom's Fan Art

It was a normal day and I had just finished looking at Zinger/Hana's new face. For comparative purposes I decided to look up some pictures of Bom. This is what came out of that. Not going to lie, I don't mind real Bom as much anymore.

P.S: Sorry if your work got posted!
Before we start, a semi normal picture.
Is this the future of Bom's eyes?
It's like someone straight up traced me!
They captured the uneven chin and lifeless eyes well.
Bom or Hatsune Miku?
Realistic enough, not like the real Bom is any better.
Can no one truly capture the face of Bom on paper?
Look! I'm recovering from another double eyelid surgery!
Why would you drag TOP into this?
Nice weave.

Are you sure this is Bom?

Too much lip Botox.

Bom's facial features continue to outgrow her face shape.

Looks too human.

Someone realizes Bom's real goal.

I would be confused too if I looked like that.

Got a little lazy eye, should sue Dr. Kim.

Spaghetti hair:  The new trend.

U&I will never be with that face.

Oh, this is real Bom.

Did you think it was over?

New circle lenses?